The table was strewn with delicacies from every corner of Aeylan, but I didn't have an appetite for any of it. I settled on a bowl of beef stew, savoring the rich flavors, and listened to my brother's conversation.

Nickolas pushed back his silky black hair. "Who cares about centaurs? Gryffins need more public attention!"

"Gryffins are ruthless killing machines!" Markus protested, his dark blue eyes wide. "Centaurs are actually intelligent!"

"Gryffins are smart too! They just can't speak human!"

"Only Aunt Courtney can understand them, and she's kind of out there," Mark muttered.

"No she isn't!" I said indignantly.

They ignored me when the pudding made its appearance.

I turned to my other side, where my sisters Katrinelle and Seriena were having a heated debate about a masquerade ball that they were attending soon. It had no meaning to me, so I turned to my bowl of apple pie.

Someone slid onto the bench beside me. I looked up at Axen, my oldest brother. "What do you need?"

"You looked lonely," he replied. We were the only two without someone our age.

"Well, Destiny disappeared, and I haven't found her yet," I said.

"Yeah, I haven't seen the Clare clan in awhile." Ax ran his fingers through his tangled brown hair and looked at me with his startling blue eyes. "Anything new happened with you?"

"I found the dress I'm wearing to the ball tomorrow. That's it." I sighed. "I miss Mom and Dad."

He put his arm around my shoulder reassuringly. "They'll be here tomorrow."

"But what if they got eaten?"

"Do you really think Dad would let something eat Mom?"

I smiled. "Nope, but still…"

"You worry too much, Nani. They'll get here tomorrow with the Elvish ambassadors." He stood up and said, "I'll be at the arena if anybody needs me."


The candle sputtered, making me glance up from my book. It was late. The branches outside my window brushed against the glass. I crawled into bed and hid under the covers, trying to ignore the strange noises. I wished that my mother was here to kiss my forehead and wish me goodnight. Overcome by sudden fear, I covered my head with the pillow and slept fitfully.


Something touched my hair gently. I opened my eyes to see Jimmy standing over me. "What are you doing in my room?!" I shrieked.

He grinned. "The Elves are here."

"But why are you in my room?" I pressed.

"Somebody had to wake you up. You slept through breakfast, and everybody's busy getting dressed. Destiny told me to get you or she would kill me, or something like that."

It hit me like an arrow. "Mom and Dad!"

"That took you awhile," Jimmy commented.

"I'm slow in the morning."

"I guess I'll see you at the ball later." He walked to the door, then hesitated and turned around.


He looked at me carefully. "I hope you can hold up till lunch. They aren't serving breakfast anymore."

Oh, he comes to wake me up, then tells me there's no more breakfast. My hand went up to where he touched my hair. "Oh, I'll be fine. Thanks anyway."

"No problem." Jimmy left.

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